Putting Lights On A Christmas Tree: 5 Dos And 4 Don'ts You Should Follow

The enchanting glow of Christmas lights adorning a tree is a timeless symbol of holiday cheer. However, achieving that perfect balance between festive radiance and a tangled mess can be a challenge. To ensure they sparkle and shine, it's crucial to understand the do's and don'ts of putting lights on a Christmas tree. From selecting the right type of lights to mastering the art of weaving, each step plays a pivotal role in transforming your tree into a luminous masterpiece.

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Do's of Putting Lights On A Christmas Tree

1. Choose The Right Lights

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Let's begin with a solid foundation – the right lights. You should opt for LED lights for energy efficiency and safety. Ensure they have the UL certification for quality.

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Pro tip: Select lights with a white cord for a seamless look against the branches.

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2. Test Before You Tangle

There's nothing worse than discovering a malfunction halfway through decorating, so it's important to check your lights before you start and make sure they are all working and have no burned-out bulbs. Replace any faulty bulbs as soon as possible, as they can affect the whole string of lights. Don’t use light strings with missing or broken bulbs, as they can cause a fire hazard or an electric shock.

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3. Start From The Bottom Or Inside Out

The best strategy is to start from the bottom and work your way up, whether you are hanging your lights horizontally or vertically. This will make it easier to distribute the lights evenly and avoid any gaps or tangles. Another option is to strategically weave lights from the inside out. Begin close to the trunk and work your way to the tips, ensuring an even distribution.

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A simple trick is to place some lights deeper into the branches and some closer to the front, to create depth and dimension. This will make your tree look more full and natural, and also highlight the ornaments and other decorations. Don’t wrap the lights too tightly around the branches, as this can damage the tree and the lights, and also make the tree look flat and dull.

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4. Hide The Plugs And Cords

You should hide the plugs and cords as much as possible, by pushing them deep into the branches or behind the tree. This will make your tree look more neat and elegant, and also prevent any tripping or snagging. Don’t leave the plugs and cords exposed or hanging, as they can ruin the appearance of your tree and also pose a safety risk. Plus, you can choose a cord that matches the color of your tree or surroundings to keep it discreet.

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5. Secure Lights Firmly

To avoid a twinkling disaster, secure the lights firmly. You can use green floral wire or twist ties to anchor the lights to the branches. This not only ensures a tidy appearance but also prevents lights from drooping or sagging, maintaining a consistent glow.

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Don'ts Of Putting Lights On A Christmas Tree

1. Don't Neglect Safety (A Priority)

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Never neglect safety when it comes to holiday lights. The keyt is to avoid overloading outlets, and always turn off the lights when you're not around. You can use a timer or a remote control to turn your lights on and off, to save energy and extend the life of your lights. Dimmers or different modes would help to adjust the brightness and the pattern of your lights. Don’t leave your lights on all day or all night, as this can waste electricity and also cause the lights to overheat or burn out.

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2. Avoid Mixing Light Types

Putting lights on a Christmas tree is an exciting task, and you could be tempted to cover it will different types of lights you like. However, it's a mustn't. You should stick to either all warm white or all multicolored lights for a cohesive look. Mixing can create a chaotic display that detracts from the overall aesthetic.

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3: Skip Checking the Color Temperature

Consistency in color temperature matters. Don't skip checking the color temperature of your lights. Whether warm white or cool white, maintaining a consistent hue enhances the overall ambiance.

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4. Avoid Leaving Gaps

Gaps in lighting can be distracting. The vertical method is one way to avoid leaving gaps when installing lights on a Christmas tree. Starting at the top of the tree and letting the lights hang down to the bottom, move them slightly to the side, and repeat until the entire tree is covered. This allows you to effortlessly adjust the lights to fill in any gaps and produce a consistent appearance.

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In your living room, the lights on your Christmas tree may take center stage. Following these do's and don'ts ensures a smooth performance, where your tree becomes a radiant symbol of festive joy. So, armed with these twinkling tips for putting lights on a Christmas tree, may your holiday season be merry, bright, and beautifully illuminated.

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