How to Get Rid Of Flies Indoor Safely and Naturally

Insects buzzing indoors can quickly turn a peaceful home into a noisy place. Among these pests, flies are some of the most bothersome.

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Flies, including house flies, fruit flies, drain flies, and cluster flies, carry many diseases and pose threats to human health.

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According to the National Library of Medicine, house flies can transmitΒ over 100 harmful diseases.

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To safeguard your family's health, it's essential to address fly infestations safely and naturally.

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While swatting flies may offer a temporary solution, more effective methods are recommended by experts.

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Where Do Flies Come From?

Flies (Diptera) have over 120,000 species worldwide. House flies are about 1/8-1/4 inch long, gray with four black stripes on their thorax, hairy bodies, a pair of wings, and compound red eyes.

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Roberto M. Pereira, Ph.D., from the University of Florida, explains that flies typically enter homes through torn window screens and open doors, and they breed in mulch piles or garbage cans near entry points.

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Houseflies reproduce rapidly, laying between 75 and 150 eggs at once, and can spread up to 20 miles from their hatching site.

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What Attracts Flies Indoor?

Peter Irenicus, founder of The Holy Habibee, identifies three main attractions for flies indoors:

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1.Β Food: Flies are drawn to decaying food, uncovered trash, pet waste, and compost.

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2. Breeding Sites: Flies lay eggs in moist organic matter. Homes near fly breeding grounds like farms or garbage dumps may attract more flies.

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3. Openings in Homes: Flies can enter through unscreened windows and doors in search of food or warmth.

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How to Get Rid Of Flies Indoor Safely and Naturally

#1. Apple Cider Vinegar and Dish Soap

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The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar mixed with sodium hydroxide is effective for trapping flies.

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The sweet smell attracts flies, while the soap breaks the surface tension, causing them to drown. Fill a dish with apple cider vinegar and add a few drops of dish soap.

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#2. Fly Paper and Traps

Fly paper and traps are practical solutions for fly infestations.

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Hang sticky paper where flies gather to trap them. Light traps, especially those emitting ultraviolet (UV) light, are also effective.

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#3. Herbs and Flowers

Do you know herbs serve as natural repellents to keep flies away?

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Herbs like basil, marigold, lavender, bay leaves, and catnip serve as natural repellents. Their scents are unpleasant to flies.

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Grow these plants in your garden or near entry points to keep flies away.

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#4. Cayenne Pepper Spray

If cayenne pepper is available in your kitchen, try a cayenne pepper spray.

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Steep cayenne pepper in hot water, transfer to a spray bottle, and apply around doorways and windowsills.

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The sharp odor acts as a deterrent, but be cautious as it may leave stains.

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#5. Essential Oils

Essential oils like lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemongrass repel flies.

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Apply a few drops to strips of cloth to create DIY fly paper or mix with water to make a spray.

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How to Prevent Flies Indoor

1.Β Seal Entry Points

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Repair damaged screens and seal gaps to prevent flies from entering.

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2. Clean Up Trash and LitterΒ 

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Dispose of food waste properly, keep garbage tidy, and empty regularly. Clean up pet waste and litter boxes.

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3. Clear Potential Breeding Grounds

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Regularly clean outdoor areas to remove rotting food, stagnant water, or pet waste.

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4. Use Lights Wisely

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Limit outdoor lighting at night, as lights attract flies. Use yellow bug lights to repel flies.

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5. Maintain Proper Hygiene

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Keep indoor and outdoor areas clean and free of spills, food crumbs, and decaying organic matter.

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6. Eliminate Standing Water

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Prevent standing water as many fly species breed and feed on it. Clean gutters and maintain sewage systems properly.

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