20 Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Ants Effectively In Your Home

Are ants bothering you? No matter how many ways you try, they still come back.

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While these tiny insects play essential roles in ecosystems, some species can be dangerous when they appear in our homes. Ants can pollute food, damage property, and even pose health risks.

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Research posted in the National Library of Medicine in 2019 shows that Monomorium ants can carry pathogenic bacteria harmful to people.

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If you are looking for effective ways to remove ants, below are 20 natural methods you can refer to. When applied correctly, these methods will help you get rid of ants naturally and effectively.

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#1. Vinegar

Vinegar is a cheap solution for removing ants naturally.

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With a pH of around 2.5, white vinegar's strong odor repels ants and destroys their pheromone trails, preventing them from returning.

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Create an anti-ant spray by mixing equal parts vinegar and water. Apply this mixture to surfaces frequented by ants.

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Note: Be cautious when using vinegar on natural stone surfaces because its acidity can cause damage.

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#2. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an effective natural remedy for getting rid of ants. Its pH level of around 2 to 3 and citrusy scent confuse their trails.

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According to research by Josephine Starnes in 2019, lemon juice can distract fire ants for approximately 30 seconds.

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Place lemon rinds in cupboards to deter ants from your kitchen.

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#3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon, with its aromatic properties and neutral pH level, is a natural ant-repellent due to its compound, trans-cinnamaldehyde.

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Simply sprinkle ground cinnamon near entry points or soak cotton balls in cinnamon oil and place them carefully.

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This method forces ants to abandon their food source and flee.

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#4. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has a potent scent that masks ant trails.

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A study by the Journal of Economic Entomology in 2020 showed this oil can manage the European red ant, Myrmica rubra (L.).

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Mix 10 to 20 drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle and apply around baseboards and windows.

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Note: Peppermint oil can be harmful to pets, especially cats, because they lack the liver enzymes to break down the phenols in this oil.

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#5. Borax

Borax, with a pH level around 9.3 and no strong scent, can be used to eliminate ants.

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Mix borax with sweet substances like honey or sugar and place it where ants frequent. They'll be attracted to the sweetness and take it back to their colony.

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Note: Keep Borax away from pets and children.

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#6. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth, with its neutral pH and no scent, absorbs oils from ants’ exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate and die.

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Apply a thin layer along ant trails or near entry points.

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#7. Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds have a pH level typically ranging from 5.0 to 5.2 and a strong aroma.

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After brewing your coffee, sprinkle the leftover grounds in areas where ants gather. The smell of coffee is unpleasant to ants, causing them to flee.

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#8. Chalk

Chalk can temporarily deter ants. Simply draw a line around the affected area.

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The calcium carbonate in chalk confuses the ants' scent trails.

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However, this method only provides a temporary solution and works best when combined with other methods.

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#9. Tansy

Why don’t you grow tansy to repel ants? Tansy, with a pH level typically ranging from 6.0 to 7.0, emits a strong scent that ants find unpleasant.

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Boil tansy leaves in water, strain the liquid, and spray this mixture around entry points to deter ants.

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#10. Bay Leaves

Bay leaves, with a pungent aroma and neutral pH level, can effectively repel ants.

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Place bay leaves near entry points, such as windowsills or doorways. You can also mix bay leaves with cinnamon or lemon juice for better results.

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#11. Cornstarch

Whenever you go to the supermarket, look for cornstarch. Cornstarch, with a neutral pH level and no strong scent, is safe and friendly to our health.

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Pour cornstarch over ants and add water to create a paste that suffocates them, or cover ants with cornstarch and vacuum them up, disposing of the vacuum bag outside immediately.

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#12. Boiling Water

If you are too lazy to go out, boiling water is an ideal way.

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Boil water and carefully pour it over the ant colony. The heat kills the ants instantly.

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#13. Baking Soda

I believe that baking soda is in your kitchen. Baking soda, with a pH level around 8.3, is a natural way to eliminate ants.

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Combine equal parts baking soda and powdered sugar in a container and place it in areas with high ant activity.

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The powdered sugar attracts the ants, while the baking soda dehydrates their exoskeletons.

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#14. Cayenne Pepper

In a study conducted by Mutalib et al. (2017), researchers found that the cayenne pepper had a repelling effect on the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile.

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Cayenne pepper, with a pH level of 8.5 to 9.5, irritates ants and disrupts their scent trails. Sprinkle cayenne pepper around entry points to repel ants effectively.

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#15. Soapy Water

If you don’t have too much time to take care of your home, consider soapy water.

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Mix liquid detergent with water to create a soapy solution. Spray the mixture on areas where ants enter or gather.

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The soapy water disrupts their exoskeletons, leading to their demise.

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#16. Citrus Peels

Have you ever been informed that D-limonene in citrus peels is toxic to ants?

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Place citrus peels near areas where ants gather. This method masks their scent trails, making it difficult for them to find their way back.

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#17. Mint Leaves

Instead of using peppermint oil, you can replace it with mint leaves.

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Mint leaves have a refreshing scent and a pH level of around 6.0 to 7.0, which confuses ants and disrupts their pheromone trails.

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Scatter fresh mint leaves around entry points or crush the leaves to release more of their scent for added effectiveness.

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#18. Petroleum Jelly

Besides beauty uses, petroleum jelly can be used as a barrier to keep ants out of your home.

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Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly around entry points like windowsills and door frames. The jelly creates a sticky surface that ants struggle to cross.

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#19. Cloves

In recent research, Lekhnath Kafle featured that the bioactive chemicals in clove can be toxic to ants.

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Mix two tablespoons of cloves with warm water in a spray bottle and apply to areas where ants are present.

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This method provides a natural and effective way to repel ants without harmful chemicals.

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#20. Garlic

Think about using a garlic spray to remove ants. Garlic spray is a natural method with a pH level of around 6.0 to 6.5 and a pungent scent.

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Mix a peeled garlic clove, dish soap, vegetable oil, and water in a spray bottle. Apply the solution to plant leaves and soil. The strong smell of garlic repels ants effectively.

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  • Did you know that there are over 22,000 species of ants worldwide, with trillions of individual ants living on the planet? 
  • Ants' bodies contain a toxin called pederin, which is 12-15 times more toxic than the venom of a cobra.
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These 20 natural methods will help you get rid of ants at home effectively.

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For the best results, maintain household hygiene, including regular cleaning of corners and removing standing water.

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