20 Houseplants For Fall Decor That Will Transform Your Home Entirely

Having no houseplants in your home can be quite scary! But fear not, as you can enhance your home dΓ©cor with some houseplants for fall decor this season. These 20 gorgeous houseplants below will not only bring cozy fall vibes to your indoor space but also add some spook factor to your home.

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And the best part? You can keep them indoors well beyond the fall season. So go ahead and add some life to your home with these beautiful houseplants!

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#1. African Violet

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African Violets are petite powerhouses of color. Their vibrant purple, pink, or white flowers bloom almost all year round, including autumn. They're like a mini garden on your windowsill. You should water them from the bottom to prevent damaging their leaves and keep them in indirect light. Then, you'll be rewarded with continuous blooms.

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#2. Aloe Vera

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Aloe Vera is your multi-tasking plant pal. Not only does it have striking green leaves, but it's also a natural healer. Its gel can soothe sunburns and minor cuts.

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#3. Boston Fern

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With its delicate, feathery fronds, the Boston Fern is the quintessential fall houseplant. It adds a touch of woodland charm to your indoor space. I suggest you hang it in a decorative pot or set it on a pedestal for a dramatic effect.

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Boston fern grows healthy when the soil is consistently moist soil and indirect light. If it's happy, it'll reward you with lush, green fronds.

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#4. Chinese Evergreen

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Chinese Evergreen is your year-round buddy, but it's especially great for fall. With its lush green leaves, it adds a touch of the outdoors to your cozy indoor space. Can you believe it's low-light tolerant? So, if your room doesn't get tons of sun, no worries! This tree can survive and thrive well in your low-light corners.

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#5. Christmas Cactus

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Christmas Cacti are the gift that keeps on giving. Their colorful blooms make them perfect for the holiday season. However, you don't have to wait until Christmas to showcase these beautiful flowers in your house. They're like a festive decoration for Thanksgiving too.

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Christmas Cacti love bright, indirect light and they bloom best when they experience cooler temperatures in the fall.

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#6. Croton

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If you want a burst of fiery fall colors, Crotons are your answer. Their red, orange, and yellow leaves are like tiny flames in plant form. Provide them with bright, indirect light, and they'll light up your home during the fall season. Crotons love humidity, so a little misting will make them even happier.

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#7. Fiddle Leaf Fig

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The Fiddle Leaf Fig is the diva of the plant world, but its lush, violin-shaped leaves are worth the effort. It's like having your very own indoor jungle. Give it the attention it craves, like consistently moist soil and provide bright, indirect light, and you'll have a stunning centerpiece for your fall decor.

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#8. Golden Pothos

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Golden Pothos is like a cascading waterfall of greenery. Its heart-shaped leaves spill over pots, making it a beautiful hanging plant. You should water only when the top inch of soil is dry and place it in low to medium light. It's the perfect plant for those who forget to water sometimes.

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#9. Jade Plant

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You can call jade plants little money trees. With their thick, green leaves and interesting shapes, they're said to bring good luck and prosperity. A perfect fall addition, right?

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The tree should be watered sparingly and placed in bright light. They're like your financial advisor – a silent partner in your success.

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#10. Kalanchoe

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Kalanchoes offer vibrant flowers in shades of orange, red, and pink to brighten up fall's shorter days. Plus, they're pretty low-maintenance. Let the soil dry between waterings, and keep them in bright, indirect light. It's almost like they thrive on neglect.

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#11. Lavender

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Lavender is your aromatic fall companion. Its soothing fragrance is like a cozy blanket for your senses. Additionally, it's a lovely addition to your indoor garden. To keep lavender healthy and happy, allow the soil to dry out between waterings and place it in bright, direct sunlight. When it's in full bloom, harvest some sprigs to make your own lavender sachets.

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#12. Mums

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Want to embrace fall with open arms? Mums are your go-to. With vibrant, autumnal colors like gold, orange, and burgundy, they scream "fall decor." You can also put them in pots or hanging baskets for a welcoming entrance.

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Care Tips: Keep them moist but not waterlogged. And here's the thing: you can plant them in your garden after the season is over, so it's like a two-for-one deal!

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#13. Orchids

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Orchids are a little fussy, but they're worth the extra effort. Their exquisite flowers in various colors are like nature's art. The secret to keeping orchids look stunning is to water sparingly and provide indirect light. With a little tender loving care, they'll bloom for weeks, making your home feel like a botanical garden.

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#14. Peace Lily

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If you're craving a touch of elegance, Peace Lilies are here to help. Their glossy, deep green leaves and pristine white flowers make them fall's sophisticated companion. Peace lilies also fantastic air purifiers, which means cleaner air for you! They thrive in low to medium light, which makes them perfect for cozy fall corners. And remember to water moderately and keep them away from direct sunlight.

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#15. Pothos

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Meet the Pothos, the plant that'll trail its way into your heart. Its lush green leaves bring life to any space, and its ability to adapt to different light conditions makes it one of the best houseplants for fall decor. Water when the soil feels dry, and watch it grow. It's also a great plant for beginners, so if you're new to plant parenthood, pothos has got your back.

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#16. Rosemary

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Rosemary is a culinary sidekick of many foodies. Its fragrant, needle-like leaves are perfect for fall cooking, like roasted veggies and savory stews. You'll have fresh rosemary for your fall feasts if you keep the soil evenly moist and give it plenty of sunlight.

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#17. Rubber Plant

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Rubber Plants are the unsung heroes of fall decor. Their big, bold leaves add a tropical touch to your space. Plus, they require little maintenance. Let the soil dry out between waterings, and give them bright, indirect light.

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#18. Snake Plant

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The Snake Plant is the definition of "set it and forget it." Fall is when it truly shines, soaking up your neglect like a champ. It's the hard-to-kill houseplant you've always wanted, and its tall, sleek leaves make any room feel modern. If you forget to water it sometimes, no problem. This plant is drought-tolerant. Just water occasionally, and it'll be your loyal companion.

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#19. Spider Plant

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Spider Plants can be considered as the quirky characters, featuring arching leaves with white stripes that are like living sculptures. They're also fantastic air purifiers. If you give them indirect light, they'll be happy enough to give you with "spiderettes" – tiny plantlets that dangle from the mother plant.

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#20. ZZ Plant

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When it comes to houseplants for fall decor, don't forget the plant that everyone knows - ZZ plant. It's fall's low-light superstar with glossy, dark green leaves that are like polished emeralds, even in dim spaces. Even in the fall, when the temperature drops and the humidity decreases, this low-maintenance plant still stands out in your house. For more caring tips, check out here.

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These fantastic houseplants for fall decor are likely to infuse your home with a fall vibe. From low-maintenance buddies to colorful showstoppers, these plants bring the beauty of the outdoors inside. So, why wait? Bring a touch of greenery and elegance to your home this fall and hit the Pin button to let us know which one is your favorite.

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