25 loài hoa lâu năm có hương thơm và màu sắc tuyệt vời

Perennial flowers, unlike their short-lived counterparts, have the ability to thrive for multiple years without requiring much maintenance. Once planted, these plants can provide long-lasting beauty and continuous blooming for more than one season.

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If you're just starting out in gardening, it's normal to feel a little overwhelmed by all the options available. However, don't worry! We've got you covered with our carefully curated list of the 25 best perennials. These plants will bring color and beauty to your garden throughout the year, including the colder winter months. It's the perfect way to kickstart your gardening journey. And remember, once you dive in, there's no telling how far you can go!

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#1. Astilbes

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Astilbes are the fluffy showstoppers of shade gardens, offering plumes of flowers in shades of pink, red, and white. They like moist soil and dappled shade. However, you should be aware of watering as it can be demanding.

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#2. Balloon Flowers

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Its name comes from their puffy, balloon-like buds that burst into star-shaped blooms. They thrive in well-drained soil and full sun. Gardeners should remember that they don't like to be disturbed, so choose their planting spot carefully.

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#3. Bee Balm

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Bee Balm, or Monarda, is a pollinator's dream with its vibrant, tubular blooms in shades of red, pink, and purple. It enjoys moist soil and full sun. It might need dividing every few years, and require you to handle some floral matchmaking.

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#4. Black-Eyed Susans

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Black-Eyed Susans are summer's golden darlings. Planting it in your garden like inviting sunshine into your garden. These cheerful perennials with bright yellow petals and a dark eye can handle dry spells. They prefer full sun but can tolerate a bit of shade.

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#5. Bleeding Hearts

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Bleeding hearts are the romantic souls of the garden, with their unique, heart-shaped blooms in pink or white. They prefer partial to full shade and well-drained soil. In winter, it might require a bit of mulching to keep cozy.

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#6. Columbines

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Columbines are whimsical wonders with their unique, spurred blooms in various colors. They might self-sow, surprising you with unexpected blooms, so let's be ready for a little floral magic.

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#7. Coneflowers

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Coneflowers, or Echinacea, bring a touch of the wild to your garden. Their daisy-like blooms attract pollinators and songbirds. They're drought-tolerant once established but prefer well-drained soil and full sun.

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#8. Coreopsis

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Coreopsis, or tickseed, is like sunshine in petal form with its bright yellow or red blooms. It loves full sun and well-drained soil. Plus, it's drought-tolerant once established.

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#9. Daffodils

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Daffodils are the sunny heralds of spring, with their cheerful yellow or white petals. They thrive in well-draining soil and partial to full sun. Their leaves can be a bit messy after they bloom, so you should prepare for some post-bloom tidying.

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#10. Daylilies

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When it comes to perennial flowers, daylilies are one of the most easy-going friends. They come in various colors and shapes, with each bloom lasting just one day. But don't worry, they produce lots of blooms.

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#11. Delphiniums

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Delphiniums are like towering spires of elegance with their tall spikes of blue, purple, or white blooms. However, to maintain the elegance, they might need staking to stand tall.

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#12. Foxgloves

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Foxgloves have tall spikes of tubular blooms. They thrive in partial shade and well-drained soil. Just remember, they're toxic if ingested, so keep curious pets and children away.

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#13. Hibiscus

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If you want to add a touch of tropics to your garden, hibiscus is your go-to choice. They offer large and colorful blooms, which will brighten up even the darkest corners of your garden. But they can be a bit thirsty. During the summer months, your hibiscus may need to be watered almost daily, especially if it is in a sunny location.

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#14. Hostas

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Hostas are the stars of the shade garden, feature lush, textured leaves in various shades of green and even variegated patterns. However, be careful with slugs as they might see them as a salad bar.

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#15. Hydrangeas

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Hydrangeas are the ultimate show-offs, offering massive, globe-like flower clusters. They come in various colors, with some even changing hues based on soil pH. They adore the morning sun and afternoon shade. But be ready for their dramatic demands, as they can be picky about soil conditions.

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#16. Iris

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Irises are a regal choice for your garden with their intricate, sword-shaped leaves and unique blooms. They come in an array of colors, and some even have enchanting fragrances. They adore full sun and well-drained soil but might get upset if their rhizomes are buried too deep.

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#17. Japanese Anemones

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Japanese Anemones look graceful in your garden thanks to their graceful stems and simple, elegant blooms. They prefer partial shade and well-drained soil. But they might need some winter protection in colder climates.

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#18. Lavender

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Lavender isn't just a pretty face, it's also known for its soothing aroma. These perennials love well-drained soil and full sun. Their only request? Prune them in spring to keep them bushy.

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#19. Lilies

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Lilies are the epitome of elegance, boasting stunning trumpet-shaped blooms. They come in an array of colors, adding a touch of sophistication to any garden. To take care of them, just remember that their bulbs need well-draining soil and their heads need sun-kisses.

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#20. Peonies

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Peonies are fluffy, fragrant, and downright fabulous. These perennials offer big, billowy blooms in shades from snow white to pretty pink and bold red. They thrive in full sun but can tolerate a bit of shade. The only downside is they're a bit impatient, taking a couple of years to reach their full potential.

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#21. Roses

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Roses, the timeless symbol of love, aren't just for bouquets. These perennial flowers come in various colors and forms, from vibrant reds to soft pinks and even yellow and white. They thrive in well-drained soil, basking in at least 6 hours of sun each day. You can find more tips to take care of roses here.

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#22. Russian Sage

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Russian sage offers aromatic foliage and spikes of lavender-blue blooms. It's drought-tolerant once established and loves full sun. But beware, it can be a bit aggressive in its growth.

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#23. Salvia

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Salvia, with their spiky blooms in shades of blue, pink, and red, is like a hummingbird magnet. They thrive in well-drained soil and full sun. So do you have a sweet spot for these lovely perennial flowers?

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#24. Shasta Daisies

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Shasta daisies are the classic darlings of summer, with their white, cheerful blooms and yellow centers. The good news is they're easy to grow, so are you ready for some classic charm in your garden?

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#25. Tulips

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Tulips are like a burst of fireworks in your garden, offering vibrant hues that range from fiery reds to soft pastels. They do not like wet or humid conditions. Plus, remember to deadhead the faded flowers to prevent seed formation, which can reduce the bulb’s energy.

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These perennial flowers not only bring years of beauty and joy to your outdoor space but also invite old friends into your garden. So, which one will you welcome to your green haven? Let us know by hitting the Pin button. We're ready to hear your tips to fill the garden with endless blooms.

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