20 Fastest-Growing Houseplants To Create A Lush Indoor Garden

If you're someone who can't wait to see your houseplants flourish, then you come to the right place! There are plenty of fastest-growing houseplants that have a rapid growth rate, ensuring you'll have a lush indoor garden in no time. Their benefits don't end here. Besides its greenery, these indoor trees pack a punch with many surprises, such as soothing relief or calming aroma.

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And if you don't have a green thumb, don't worry as many of them are easy to care for. Now, let's explore some of these lightning-fast-growing indoor plants.

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#1. Snake Plant

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The Snake Plant, also known as the "Mother-in-law's Tongue," is your speedy green companion. With its striking, upright leaves that can grow up to 3 feet tall, it adds a bold touch to any space. Not only is it a fast grower, but it's also a champ at purifying the air by filtering out toxins.

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It thrives on neglect, so you can forget to water it now and then, making it a perfect plant for busy folks. More tips to take care of a snake plant here.

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#2. Pothos

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The Pothos can shoot out vines at an unbelievable speed. Its cascading, heart-shaped leaves bring an elegant charm to your space. It's a low-light champion, but it also tolerates bright spots. Just keep it away from direct sunlight.

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Plus, its speedy growth makes it an excellent choice for creating lush hanging baskets or adding a touch of greenery to bookshelves and mantels.

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#3. Spider Plant

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The Spider Plant is a fast-growing superstar with a fun twist – baby plants, or "pups," that dangle from its long, arching leaves. These little babies are easy to propagate and share with friends. With its bright green and white-striped foliage, it's a striking addition to your home that can thrive in various light conditions, including low light.

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#4. ZZ Plant

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The growth rate of ZZ plant is not as fast as other houseplants, but it's a must-have for any space. With its glossy, dark green leaves, it's the definition of low-maintenance elegance. ZZ plants can tolerate low light, infrequent watering, and even occasional neglect, making them perfect for forgetful gardeners.

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#5. Monstera

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Known for its stunning split leaves, Monstera can climb, cascade, or just stand tall. As one of the fastest-growing plants, it'll grow faster in bright and indirect light, but it's forgiving if you can't provide that. Just be prepared to give it some space as it matures because it can get big. It's a statement piece that can make any room look like a lush, tropical paradise.

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#6. Chinese Evergreen

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The Chinese Evergreen is the reliable buddy you can count on. It's a slow and steady grower, which means it won't take over your space overnight, but it will stick around for years, keeping you company.

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With its patterned leaves in shades of green, silver, and even red, it's a decorative addition to your home. Plus, it's super low-maintenance, tolerating low light and irregular watering schedules.

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#7. Lucky Bamboo

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When it comes to the fastest-growing houseplants, Lucky Bamboo is like an overachiever. It can shoot up a new stalk in no time, adding vertical interest to your space. Despite its name, it's not actually bamboo, it's a type of Dracaena.

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You can grow it in water or soil, and it's known for bringing good luck and positive energy to your home. It's perfect for desks, shelves, or anywhere you want to add a touch of tranquility and growth.

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#8. Rubber Plant

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The Rubber Plant is the tall, dark, and handsome member of the houseplant crew. With its big, bold leaves, it can grow impressively fast, especially if you provide it with the right conditions – bright, indirect light and consistent watering. It's a statement piece that can make a room feel instantly cozier and more sophisticated.

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#9. Aloe Vera

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Aloe Vera grows at a moderate pace but packs a punch when it comes to benefits. Its plump, succulent leaves not only make a stylish addition to your home but also provide soothing relief for minor burns and skin irritations. Plus, it's super easy to care for – just let the soil dry out between waterings, and it'll thrive.

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#10. Lavender

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Lavender isn't the fastest grower, but its heavenly scent and beautiful purple blooms make it worth the wait. It prefers full sunlight and well-drained soil, so give it a sunny windowsill or a spot in your garden. Additionally, it's known for its calming properties, making it the perfect plant to create a serene atmosphere in your home.

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#11. Peace Lily

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The peace lily deserves a spot for its striking, white blooms and air-purifying qualities. It's a low-light champ and can tolerate a bit of neglect, but it'll reward you with elegant, long-lasting flowers. Just keep it evenly moist, and it'll thrive.

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#12. Jade Plant

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Jade plant is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. With its fleshy, oval-shaped leaves, it's like having a tiny green treasure at home. It prefers bright, indirect light and minimal watering – the perfect combination for low-maintenance fastest-growing houseplants.

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#13. Christmas Cactus

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The Christmas Cactus may not grow as fast as Santa's sleigh, but it does have a magical quality – it blooms during the holiday season. Its cascading, arching stems produce vibrant pink, red, or white flowers, adding a festive touch to your home. It appreciates bright, indirect light and slightly humid conditions.

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#14. African Violet

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African violet offers delicate, colorful blooms that are simply enchanting. Their compact size and vibrant purple, pink, or white flowers make them a charming addition to windowsills or tabletops. They thrive in bright, indirect light and enjoy consistent moisture.

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#15. Bird Of Paradise

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The Bird of Paradise may take its sweet time growing, but its tropical allure is worth the patience. With its large, banana-like leaves and exotic presence, it's like having a piece of the jungle in your living room. You should place it in a spot with bright, indirect sunlight, and let it grow tall and proud.

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#16. Boston Fern

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Boston Ferns are not a winner in the list of fastest-growing houseplants, but they're masters of lush, feathery growth. Their delicate fronds create a soothing, forest-like atmosphere. These ferns enjoy bright, indirect light and consistent moisture, making them perfect for bathrooms or kitchens.

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#17. Philodendron

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Do you want a classic plant that's always in style? With their heart-shaped leaves, philodendrons add timeless beauty to any room. These easygoing plants tolerate low light and irregular watering - a go-to choice for busy households.

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#18. Ponytail Palm

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Ponytail Palm is a distinctive addition to your home with its quirky, bulbous trunk and long, arching leaves. It's a low-maintenance champ, tolerating low light and infrequent watering.

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#19. Dracaena

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With various leaf shapes and colors to choose from, dracanea add drama to any space. These plants thrive in medium to bright, indirect light and prefer to dry out slightly between waterings. Believe me, their striking foliage makes them captivating in any space.

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#20. Money Tree

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The Money Tree might not make you rich overnight, but it's a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. With its braided trunk and lush, palm-like foliage, it's an eye-catching addition to your space.

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Money Trees enjoy bright, indirect light and prefer to dry out slightly between waterings. They're easy to care for and can grow steadily, adding a touch of wealth, or at least greenery to your life.

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These 20 fastest-growing houseplants with varying growth rates can bring their unique charm and benefits to your home. With little efforts, these indoor plants still thrive at a surprising speed, impressing you with their lush beauty. If you fall in love with any plants on this list, don't hesitate to save them right now.

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