20 Amazing Bedroom Plants That Can Help You Sleep Like A Baby

In the quest for a restful night's sleep, the solution might be closer than you think – right inside your bedroom. There is a variety of plants that not only add a touch of greenery to our living spaces but also come bearing the gift of better sleep. These green companions, with their air-purifying qualities and calming scents, can transform your bedroom into a tranquil sanctuary. In this article, we suggest 20 bedroom plants to help you sleep better and bid farewell to restless nights.

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#1. Aglaonema

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Aglaonema is an excellent air-purifier, which can remove harmful toxins such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the indoor air. It can act as natural humidifiers too, which can prevent dryness in the air and your skin.

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#2. Aloe Vera

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Wondering if there's a plant that's both low-maintenance and sleep-friendly? Aloe vera is the answer. One of the best bedroom plants, it is known for its soothing properties for the skin, and equally adept at calming the air in your bedroom.

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Its ability to release oxygen at night also enhances the quality of your sleep, while its minimal care requirements make it a hassle-free addition to your sleep sanctuary.

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#3. Anthurium

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The vibrant blooms of the anthurium don't just add a pop of color; they also act as natural air purifiers. Their ability to remove pollutants can contribute to a cleaner and fresher bedroom environment.

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#4. Areca Palm

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The areca palm, also known as the butterfly palm, is highly regarded for not just visually appealing but also for its efficient air purifying ability. By removing harmful toxins, it contributes to a cleaner and healthier sleep environment.

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#5. Bird's Nest Fern

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This adorable fern is an excellent choice for indoor bedroom plants. Its thick, glossy leaves have superior water retention compared to many other ferns with finer fronds. Plus, it won't create any mess by shedding foliage on a daily basis. Simply provide it with bright indirect light and water it when the top inch of soil feels dry.

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#6. Chamomile

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Renowned for its calming properties, chamomile is a classic choice for bedtime rituals. Its gentle fragrance has a natural sedative effect, promoting relaxation and easing you into a tranquil sleep. Have you ever thought about having a pot of chamomile by your bedside to infuse your room with fragrance?

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#7. Eucalyptus

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Beyond its use for colds and congestion, eucalyptus can work wonders in the bedroom. Its invigorating scent can help clear the airways, ensuring you breathe deeply and peacefully as you sleep.

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#8. Gardenia

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The gardenia's captivating fragrance isn't just for daytime enjoyment. Studies have shown that inhaling its sweet scent can have a sedative effect, potentially aiding in better sleep. Placing a potted gardenia in your bedroom is like inviting a natural sleep elixir into your personal space.

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#9. Gerbera Daisies

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Bright and cheerful, gerbera daisies can enhance your mood and your sleep at the same time. NASA's Clean Air Study identified gerbera daisies as effective in removing pollutants from the air, contributing to a cleaner and healthier sleep environment.

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#10. Golden Pothos

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Known for its resilience and easy maintenance, the golden pothos is more than just a pretty face. It's one of the top bedroom plants in air purification, removing toxins and releasing oxygen, promoting better sleep. Its cascading vines also bring a refreshing touch of nature to your bedroom.

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#11. Jasmine

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Known for its enchanting fragrance, jasmine is not just a treat for your senses but a sleep aid as well. Its sweet scent has been linked to reduced anxiety levels and improved sleep quality. Placing a jasmine plant by your bedside might just be the secret to sweet dreams.

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#12. Lavender

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Lavender has always been known for its relaxing and sleep-inducing properties. The aromatic compounds in lavender have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, creating a serene environment for a good night's rest.

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It thrives in bright light, so ensure it is positioned on a sunny windowsill or use a grow light if necessary. Lavender should be watered when the top inch or two of soil feels dry to the touch.

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#13. Lemon Balm

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A member of the mint family, lemon balm has a pleasant lemon scent that can help reduce stress and promote calmness. Whether in a pot or a sachet, introducing lemon balm to your bedroom might be the aromatic touch your sleep routine is missing.

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#14. Money Tree

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The money tree is said to bring good fortune and has a trendy, modern appeal. Plus, it requires minimal effort and grows rapidly. Simply provide it with medium light, water it every week or two, and it will thrive happily.

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#15. Monstera

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Monstera makes perfect swoon-worthy pictures for your Instagram. However, beyond its modern and trendy appearance, it can have positive health impacts by calming your nerves and boosting your mood. By creating a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere, monstera plants may help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer.

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#16. Peace Lily

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Don't let its delicate appearance fool you, the peace lily is a robust air purifier. By removing toxins like ammonia and benzene from the air, it ensures you breathe cleaner, healthier air while you sleep. Its elegant white blooms add a touch of serenity to your private space.

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#17. Rubber Plant

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The rubber plant isn't just a stylish addition to your decor, it's also an excellent air purifier. By removing common indoor pollutants, it creates a cleaner and healthier sleep environment. Plus, its vibrant green leaves can add a touch of nature to your bedroom.

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#18. Snake Plant

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This hardy plant is a nocturnal oxygen powerhouse. Unlike most plants that release oxygen during the day, the snake plant does so at night, making it an ideal bedroom companion. Its ability to filter out air pollutants also contributes to a cleaner, more rejuvenating sleep space.

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#19. Spider Plant

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The spider plant is a delightful addition to your bedroom. Beyond its air-purifying prowess, it releases oxygen during the night, promoting a conducive atmosphere for sleep. The spiderettes it produces also make for charming green companions.

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#20. ZZ Plant

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Known for its resilience and ability to thrive in low-light conditions, the ZZ plant is a low-maintenance companion for your bedroom. Its air-purifying qualities also make it an excellent choice for cleaner indoor air.

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Because you spend so much time in your bedroom, it's critical to create a space that allows you to get a good night's sleep. Bedroom plants are one of the simplest and most affordable ways to transform your bedroom into a peaceful haven β€” not only do they bring nature indoors, but they can also help improve your health, mood, and sleep quality. If you've decided which one in this list is a potential companion for your bedroom, let us know by leaving a comment below.

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