Bathroom Plants: 20 Plants That Love The Humidity Of Your Bathroom

It's not very common to find a lot of houseplants in bathrooms, mainly because the environment there can be quite unpredictable. Bathrooms experience fluctuating temperatures, consistent humidity, and varying levels of sunlight depending on the direction and number of windows. But don't worry, there are plenty of houseplants that can handle these conditions and flourish in bathrooms! Whether you want to add some greenery or control the moisture, these are the best indoor bathroom plants.

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#1. Fern

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The fern, with its delicate and feathery fronds, is a perfect addition to your bathroom sanctuary. Its lush foliage thrives in the high humidity commonly found in bathrooms, making it an ideal choice for this space. Beyond its aesthetic charm, the fern can enhance bathroom air quality by acting as a natural air purifier.

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#2. Bamboo

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Known for its resilience and adaptability, Bamboo thrives in low light conditions, making it suitable for bathrooms with limited natural light. Its upright and slender stems add an elegant vertical element to your space. Bamboo is useful for promoting relaxation and well-being while absorbing excess moisture.

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#3. Begonia

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Begonias come in a variety of varieties, and they thrive in the warmth and humidity of a bathroom shelf. They dislike soggy soil, which can lead to root rot, although they do appreciate humid environments. Highly valued for their blossoms, these plants require a sunny area in the restroom that receives direct morning sunlight.

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#4. Bromeliad

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In winter, bromeliads bloom for several weeks with flowers that are yellow, pink, or red. They thrive best in the humid environment of a bathroom, but they also require adequate air circulation. You can support them by turning on the bathroom exhaust fan or by scheduling a small portable fan to run for a few hours every day.

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#5. Cast Iron Plant

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Known for its durability and tolerance for low light conditions, this plant is perfect for bathrooms with minimal natural light. Its dark green, leathery leaves add a touch of elegance and simplicity to the space. To care for it, place it in low to moderate light and water sparingly.

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#6. Chinese Evergreen

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There aren't many plants as versatile and tolerant as the Chinese evergreen. You can forget to water and feed these large-leaved, tropical perennials, and they will still grow and thrive. Even though they like dampness, they can also survive dry air as long as they are kept free of cold drafts, which can harm the leaves.

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#7. Croton

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With its attractive, variegated leaves, this plant adds a subtle yet sophisticated element to the space. Chinese Evergreen is well-suited for bathrooms with low to moderate light conditions, making it an adaptable choice. Although they dislike sitting in damp soil, croton plants require bright but indirect light, as well as high levels of humidity and moisture.

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#8. Dieffenbachia

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Dieffenbachia thrives when given little attention. When you feel a few inches of dry earth beneath the surface, water them. This plant needs dappled light in the summer and more light during the short winter days.

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#9. Gardenia

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If you are looking for bathroom plants with a pleasant scent, gardenia is a perfect choice. It infuses the bathroom with a delightful scent and purifies the air. If they get enough bright light, they can thrive in the humid conditions of a restroom. Gardenias can reach a height of six feet, but regular trimming will keep them smaller.

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#10. Orchids

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If they are kept from getting too cold, many orchids are perfect for bathroom plants. While some species are air plants, or epiphytes, that take in moisture from the atmosphere, others are grown in soil. Because some orchid kinds are little plants, you can group many together for quite a show. Orchids can bloom for weeks at a time.

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#11. Peace Lily

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Peace lilies are graceful bathroom plants that need little maintenance. They enjoy the humidity in the bathroom and thrive on consistent watering. Avoid letting the soil get too dry for prolonged periods of time.

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#12. Philodendron

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Philodendrons do well in bathroom environments. While some kinds grow upright, others generate vines that can reach a length of twenty feet. It is comparatively simple to grow both kinds. This plant will drop its leaves if you give it too little or too much water.

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#13. Pothos

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With its cascading vines and heart-shaped leaves, pothos adds a touch of greenery and simplicity to the space. It thrives in low to moderate light conditions, making it suitable for bathrooms with limited natural light.

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#14. Snake Plant

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Snake plants grow vertically, which contrasts well with other trailing bathroom plants. Mature plants vary in height from 8 inches to 4 feet, depending on the type. They can tolerate less ideal conditions, but they love intense light. More light is necessary for variegated species to avoid turning back to all-green foliage.

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#15. Spider Plant

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Spider plants prefer small spaces to grow in, so avoid placing them in a container that is larger than the root ball. Mature plants often produces small, star-shaped flowers. These low-maintenance plants can withstand bright light, but direct sunlight will cause the leaves to burn.

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#16. Weeping Fig

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Weeping figs are a lovely addition to a bathroom, provided you have enough area for a modest tree. It dislikes abrupt temperature fluctuations, though. It may lose leaves in cold drafts, but it should bounce back. Weeping figs prefer dampness, although they dislike resting in moist soil or being overwatered.

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#17. Dragon Tree

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Many varieties of dracaena, or dragon trees, are also excellent choices for bathroom plants. Although they prefer medium to bright, indirect light, they can readily withstand dim light. In typical indoor temperatures, which range from 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, this plant also thrives.

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#18. Anthurium

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The heart-shaped, waxy blossoms of anthuriums have a distinctive appearance. Although they prefer humidity, anthuriums need lots of light to survive. Plus, you should provide strong, indirect light for this plant. If you want to know whether your plant is receiving enough moisture, look at its leaves.

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#19. Majesty Palm

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These elegant palms are quite magnificent, and they make a great accent plant in a bathroom with high ceilings. Majesty palms are tolerant of humidity and need indirect light. In containers, it can reach heights of up to 12 feet.

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#20. Spiderwort

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Thriving in high humidity, spiderwort is a perfect fit for your showcase of bathroom plants. These plants are excellent for hanging baskets or containers since they produce trailing vines. They simply require the occasional deadheading to keep the leaves clean, making them very low maintenance.

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Bathroom plants have become an essential addition to bathrooms. Why? Because there is nothing more stylish than having lush green plants adorning a shelf or stool beside the bathtub or hanging gracefully from the shower. So let's embrace this trend by incorporating some green companions into your space, and let us know what is your pick.

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